Thursday, March 31, 2022

A Quick Escape Home and a Decision - 30th March ‘22

Well the weather eventually turned during the night. I woke to rain on Brunnehilda’s roof and the steady hum of the electric heater doing it’s best to warm us up.

Up and out in double quick time. No breakfast, no shave, no shower and only a cursory wash! Thankfully there is no one to smell me - except the dogs and they don’t seem to mind!! Mind you, when you consider they spend most of their life with their nose up another dogs bum, I would have been particularly offended if they had given me and my odour a wide berth!?

It took me about an hour to get packed up, fluids away (yuk!), electric off, stays up, locks off and car hitched up. I finally found the farmer at home to give him the requisite £30 and thanked him for his hospitality.

I drew out onto the A6 at about 10.15. Sat nav took me right through the middle of a busy Chesterfield but apart from that it was all good. The sleet at the start of my journey soon abated and give way to good old fashioned British drizzle! I parked up with the HGVs at Tibshelf services on the M1. For a lot of my boyhood I wanted to be a lorry driver when I “grew up” so I must admit I quite like being amongst all those big machines and yellow jacketed men!

A Plant burger and toffee late from McDonalds saw me back on the road with a full stomach. I arrived back at the farm at about 1pm. For some reason, it took me ages to un-hitch the van? It was as if the ball was sticking? Finally released it as my patience was starting to fail! I “tucked” in Brunnehilda in her spot and left her for a bit of well deserved rest.

So, what of my Teutonic Valkyrie’s future? Lovers of bullet point lists are going to overdose now … firstly my rating of the site and then, after following my old mate Rusty’s advice, I did a pros and cons list for keeping Brunnehilda. Your welcome …

Topley Head Farm:

1) Great 4G, 
2) Lots of space, 
3) Just Off A6 but quiet
4) Walks from site
5) Great views
1) No waste recycling
2) Unnecessary Entrance gate
Definitely be back - one of my faves.

1) Easy get away when I want to escape
2) Family can use / I can take boys away
3) Many nice memories of time with Kim
4) She’s a perfect size and has everything I need
1) Cost - £1400 / year without a wheel turning
2) Prep and pack up are no fun on your own
3) So much Kim included, it brings back the feelings of loss very easily and regularly
4) Eating and drinking out is no fun on your own

Number 4 is nothing to do with Brunnehilda it’s just what it is and may get better with time. Number 3 could be minimised if I …
- bring the dogs with me
- avoid places we’ve been to as a couple
- avoid places where she loved and have lots of middle aged empty nest couples (like market towns, beach walks, coffee shops)
- do stuff that she wouldn’t have enjoyed - long hill walks, risky sh*t, kayaking etc

So, I’ve lost one woman I loved in the last year, I don’t see any reason why I should give up another female I love. 
I’m going to keep Brunnehilda for another year and see how much I end up using her.

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