Another really hot day. We packed the car up to the gunnels with all the stuff we took out of Brunnehilda to allow them to service her more easily. We’re not taking Isabella this time but it is the first outing for the new sun canopy. Let’s hope we get the weather for it!
We left at about midday and after a stop at our normal resting place, the McDonalds at Tott Hill, we arrived at Shaftesbury at about 3.45pm.
After a chat with Pete the mechanic and a quick look around a funky new wee Knaus model, we were back on the road with Brunnehilda -£400 lighter in the bank balance!
The XC40 doesn’t pull her as well as the Xc60. She did groan a bit as we headed up the steep hill towards the town. We had a relatively trouble free journey - apart from going right through the middle of a very busy Bath! The last hour of the journey was following the river Wye valley up to Ross. Driving by Chepstow racecourse, Tintern Abbey, Monmouth and then on up to Ross. The river looked perfect for my canoe - shame I haven’t bought it this time?!
The last 2 miles to the site were a bit hairy! Single track with passing spaces. Although the said passing spaces were a little thin on the ground! Praise the Lord ... we never met anything coming the other way!
The entrance to the site was a bit tight and, me bring rather cocky, chose not to open the gate as wide as it could go. Subsequently I missed scratching the side of the van by about 5mm!! Lesson learnt!
The site is amazingly positioned, about 50 yards from the river Wye and, to quote Bjork it is “oh so quiet”! We are about a mile from the nearest hamlet. 4 miles from Ross - as the river flows.
Can’t fault the site although the owners fondness for rules seems to continue. We had 2 separate letters of instructions about all the COVID dos and donts and on arriving at the site we were faced with more rules on a sign by the water tap. Interestingly all this communication about rules but absolutely nothing on what to do, where we can walk, nearest pub etc.
We popped out to Morrison’s at Ross to get tea and a few provisions to keep us going. It’s still very humid and being by the river there are lots of midgys.
Tea and an episode of The Wire got us to 11 and an early bed! God it is sooo quiet here! With the Twinnies due in a couple of days I fear this haven of peace and tranquility may be blown right out the water!
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