The forecast changed overnight and said it would now be grey, overcast and quite cold until evening and then it would rain non-stop for a few days. This was pretty accurate apart from the 30 mins the heavens opened at about 1.58pm. I know it was 1.58 as it was exactly 5 minutes after we had all clambered on board a kayak on the river Wye.
The weather couldn’t spoil a nice day though - although I’ll give it an A* for effort! It started with another morning of impressive choreographed movements as the 5 of us negotiated getting up , getting ready and breakfasting in a small 3 berth caravan. We did eat breakfast outside again - albeit today Charlie had a quilt wrapped around him to keep warm!
We thought we would try the kayak hire at Symonds Yat again. This time we made sure Charlie had so much food and drink inside him it would be biologically impossible for him to want more as soon as we arrived - it worked! As mentioned above we were on the water 5 mins before we got an absolute soaking. It was still fun but our freezing cold wet clothes took the edge of it. Ironically the water was much warmer than we were - it was tempting to dive in to get warmer - we couldn’t have got any wetter. I’ve got to say, I wouldn’t want to be relying on any of my fellow paddlers if ever we needed to get somewhere quickly!
Straight home to Brunnehilda to dry off. The boys watched another DVD while Kim and I read and chilaxed for an hour. We’ve just bought the 6th DVD of the 3 day trip tonight but, given the appalling weather, they have been a godsend.
We promised the boys a bit of fishing so we went the mile along our road to the footpath bridge that allowed us access to the water. This was the same spot I swam 2 days earlier. Amazingly it was almost unrecognisable as the water level had risen at least 6 inches - probably nearer a foot.
The fishing was successful with a bucket load of tiddlers caught in 30 mins or so. Finners had a few more in his wellies too!? A few rounds of poo sticks on the bridge on the way back to the car and we were ready to head out for food.
We decided to go to Hereford - the nearest “big” place, about 18 miles away. After a wander around and being turned away from 2 places - no room at the inn apparently although we looked and smelt like 5 people who hadn’t had a shower for some time - we eventually stumbled on a Wagamama. A safe choice whenever you’re out and about in a strange city!
On our walk round, Hereford cathedral looked very impressive and of course it houses the famous Mappa Mundi - definitely worth a look. Note to self to go back one day - when it’s open!
Back home to Brunnehilda via a huge Asda - diesel, toys, chocolate bread and yet another DVD later, we were back on the road!
DVD, tea and reading was the repeat order for our last evening with the boys in Brunnehilda. We have Finners joining us in bed tonight which, after the horrors of Harry “horizontal sleeper” MacArthur last night, I’m quite looking forward to just the odd kicking rather than a contestant physical assault. Moving day tomorrow do I don’t expect I’ll get much sleep anyway?
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