Thursday, August 15, 2024

Alnwick Castle - 15th Aug ‘24

After a glorious weather day yesterday we paid the price today. Raining all morning, grey and cool all afternoon and then a beautiful sunny evening from about 6pm. 

We chilled in Brunnehilda for a couple of hours late afternoon/ early evening before the sun drew us out to the local beach - Dunstan Steads - for a game of foot golf. To avoid any Twinnie incidents we played doubles! I’m turning over a new leaf - no, I’m not letting my grandsons beat me but I am resisting gloating / boasting about my glorious victories!! 😉

At 7.30 pm it was as warm as it’s been all day. The forecast bodes well for a good day tomorrow. 

The rain this morning meant we had a very leisurely and relaxed am. We lied in until well gone 10 - the result of another late night blogging / watching DVDs. The teenage shower went well (again!). Charlie and I had eggs and bacon the boys had cereal / toast. Charlie is like his Grandma, he likes his bacon crispy and black with all the meat flavour burnt out of it!!

By 1.30 we were parking up in Alnwick Castle car park. The lousy weather had driven all the tourists from the beach / coastline, in land to the quant town of Alnwick and its impressive castle. It was very busy and we were lucky to get a car parking place!

The Twinnies were a little disappointed. Someone had told them that the Harry Potter films were shot here. Well they were, but only a couple of specific (Quidditch based) scenes. 

We had a good look round. It’s all very grand / pompous compared to my beautiful Canons Ashby. Finners and I went on the children friendly guided tour - it was very good. Harry and Charlie didn’t want to partake (probably a little too grown up to partake?!). 

We had some chips and churros (now there’s a healthy balanced diet?!) from the cafe before heading back to the car. We then spent a bit of time looking round Alnwick for DVDs and a newly launched football sticker album. We were unsuccessful with both!

Pizza and Lasagne, courtesy of Mr Sainsbury, for tea and then more DVD and blogging to end the day. 

I kid myself that I manage the grandkids better now than I did before. Of course I miss doubling up with Kim on the duties and the fun but I actually don’t think it’s that I’m getting better on my own, rather that they’re getting older and easier to herd / manage / persuade.

I’ve missed Kim loads today. Spending holiday time with the boys always does that but then factor in the rubbish weather, which gives much more time for thinking and reflecting ….. 

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