Friday, July 14, 2023

Cayton Bay & Fimber - 13th July ‘23

So, a couple of the Chapman guys had recommended Cayton Bay for a dog walk so that’s what I did. The weather was set fair and the tide was an hour later being fully in - about 1.30 - so there was no need for an early rise.

I had a modest breakfast and was out the door just as James O’Brien came on LBC - about 10am. The 30 minute drive to Cayton Bay, just south of Scarborough was completed without incident!

I parked on top of the hill and we walked down the steep path (and steps) to the beach. The Bay was very picturesque but nowhere near as big as Filey - especially with the tide encroaching fast! 

We walked to one end of the bay then back past where we started and back to the other. Grabbing time to snack and get a quick book read at either end.

It was at this stage I realised I’d made a very familiar error - I’d packed loads of snacks for me and the dogs and plenty of drink for me, but no water for the dogs!! Many would say this was typically of me prioritising my nutritional needs over everybody else’s - and believe me I heard “her” say it loud and clear to me as I explained the predicament to the collies 😉.

Luckily there was a stream of fresh water coming from somewhere - in the spirit of not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I encouraged the hounds to drink - oblivious of the source of said “fresh” water!

The beach was shared amicably between young families and dog walkers. It all seemed to work well, although I was very aware of my 2 bombing in and out the water with little kids playing with buckets and spades at the water’s edge!

Now, the regular Travels with Brunnehilda blog readers (I think we’re in double figures now - you know who you are!!?) will know I have strong views and tragic stories about dog excrement. A holiday trip rarely goes by without some dog poo related drama. Well today was to be no different.

The rot started off by me forgetting the new roll of dog poo bags. This meant I had come out for the walk with only 2 on my person. This might have been enough in normal circumstances but Benny drinking barrel loads of sea water yesterday meant that today’s circumstances were never destined to be normal!

The 2 bags were used up very quickly with some pretty disgusting runny stuff. Then Tilly thought she would join in the fun - this necessitated double bagging. A process that is as skilful as it is extremely high risk but sometimes just has to be done. And we hadn’t even got to the beach! Once on the beach Ben started again - luckily I could discreetly dig a hole in the sand and bury the offending item (not sure something that looks like that can be called an item??) without too many people noticing. By this stage I was starting to panic - I’d got to get up the steps and past load of folks at the coffee kiosk without incident! I didn’t fancy my chances so …. Lord forgive me, I did a dreadful thing? 

I went to the rock pools and emptied one of the bags into the sea. And, to make sure it was prepared for use I had to give the empty bag a good swill out - sorry if you’re eating! Now I don’t feel proud of myself but if you compare it with the 375,000 times that the Water Companies did this same thing last year (with far far  greater amounts of the brown stuff!), I refused to feel too guilty.

There was a big queue at the coffee kiosk and, you’ll be pleased to know, both sets of canine bowels stayed unemptied! I still have the previously cleaned and emptied bag in my pocket ready for another day! Only joking, that disgusting thing went straight in the bin!

After the beach I had a bit of a walk along the Cleveland Way footpath. The views were wonderful and by now it was feeling really warm. I was tempted to walk down to the secluded Johnny Flinton’s Harbour but the path looked mighty steep. I regretted my decision within 5 minutes of making it - Carpe Diem, that’ll learn me!

We returned to the car at 12.15 - 3.5 miles and 1 hour 45 mins from whence we began. At lot less than yesterday’s 7 miler. We headed back to Brunnehilda to relax and clean up. The weather was so good I got the chair out and sat and read in the sun - after demolishing a couple of vegan sausage bagels! And, the sun was so hot I think I fell asleep for a bit - I certainly only read one chapter and I was sitting there for quite some time!!

Just time to take the dogs for a quick walk around the farmer’s field before heading over to my Brother-in -law’s  (Ray) place at Fimber - about 40 mins inland. The 3 of us (my nephew Luke joined us) had a good old chat over a cup of tea in Rays amazing garden / paddock. I took the dogs for another walk on my own (Ray has 4 crazy collies!) before we went for dinner at The Triton Inn pub at the neighbouring village of Sledmere. The Barnsley chop was wonderful! As was the pint of Timothy Taylor’s.

Back to Brunnehilda for more Tudors, Cadburys and blogging. And as if to finish my “pooey” day on a high …Benny emptied his bowels again - all over Brunnehilda’s sandy Germanic floor. This wasn’t the salt water, this was as a result of the dead bird I couldn’t stop him eating on our walk at Fimber! Yuk!

I promise, no more excrement talk tomorrow. If I want to get to 20 plus blog readers I really do need to focus on something a little more popularist!

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