So not such a nice weather day today. The rain kept off until about 3pm and then lots of heavy showers. Didn’t stop a great day though.
Alarm woke me up at about 8.30. Got to say, Brunnehilda’s bed is a treat so I certainly sleep well. Although one thing I’ve noticed, my side of the mattress has dropped a lot compared to Kim’s side - I can’t think why?!? So I always start on Kim’s side and straight away start sliding over to mine. No time to breakfast just washed, shaved, fed dogs and in the car for 9.15. In my haste to get out, I managed to forget the dogs leads - so a quick search on Volvo’s new and very good Google system and I was at a local pet shop buying a new one en route.
The rush to get out was to drive over to Matlock Bath to be at the New Bath Hotel outdoor pool for a 10am booked session. Oh my goodness, it was magnificent. No chlorine, continually replenished spring water at a refreshing 19 degrees. I overheard a local say that 11 up and downs was 1/2 mile so that’s what I did. Started off by upsetting the locals - I initially went into the fast lane which my modest breast stroke certainly wasn’t. I shifted and all was right with the world. I felt invigorated after 45 mins and had that lovely inner warmth that only comes after you’ve had a spell immersed in a very cold liquid.
Mandy (family friend from West Haddon) is a member and was the reason I even knew the place existed. So after my swim session I met up with her at the pool as she had very kindly offered to show me a nice dog walk. I was a bit worried about walking my two crazy collies with her cute little dog (Ethel) but she was fantastic and totally ignored my two. She may be little in size but she’s got a big character - that’s Ethel not Mandy!
We walked for an hour or so on Stanton Moor. What a great place and well selected by Mandy as the dogs could be off the lead and free to run and explore. The place is so atmospheric as well - the Druid stones, the weathered rocks and the fabulous views. Definitely another one to come back to.
By this time we’d worked up a thirst so Mandy introduced me to the locals at her local - The Boat Inn at Cromford. Lovely place and super friendly folks. Even after I’d insulted her friend Bjorn by assuming he was a Swede. He was Norwegian which is like calling someone from Glasgow English!
I lost track of time a bit, but I think it was about 3 when I left Mandy and Cromford. Just as the rain was starting to kick in.
Tilly was still up for more walking so when I saw a sign for Carsington Water on my way home, I made a detour and parked up. We only walked for about 45 mins but in that time we had sun, heat, drizzle, downpour and blimin cold! Britain in May eh?
I went to the Anglers Rest at Millers Dale for tea. I had to wait until 6 for them to start serving food so the dogs and I sheltered under an umbrella by the river and watched the ducks trying to keep dry out the rain! Got to say though the grub was great - pork loins with pepper and mushroom sauce. I shared it with the dogs. Well, when I say shared, they had a few chips and some of the less juicy bits of the pork loin!
Back to Brunnehilda for a quiet night in with Ken Burns and Cadburys Fruit and Nut!! Oh, and Question Time on iPlayer. Hopefully my neighbours were far enough away not to hear me shouting at a couple of the morons they had on the panel!
It’s been such a nice day spending time with Mandy and Ethel. Mandy’s been through a tough 3 or 4 years and seeing her positive approach to everything she does is so inspirational. So much for me to learn from her.
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