Well to be fair, a wet afternoon. The morning was cold and cloudy but the rain stayed away until I had made the cycle journey into Brighton - arriving at 11.30. The bike trip is getting quicker each time I do it. My legs are getting stronger but my bum continues to ache!
Brunnehilda is just a big bed this trip. In fact I don’t think I’ve sat in the lounge seats at all and I certainly haven’t used the kettle / microwave. The buggered boiler also meant I haven’t had a wash in Brunnehilda either!
The cycle trip was good and bad for my heart. It was good to get the exercise to get it pumping but seeing a lot of couples walking happily along the front made it pine for what (who) it was missing. As soon as I got to Hollybobs though things got quickly back on an even keel!
I probably shouldn’t be using the portmanteau word of Hollybobs but it’s a lot easier than Holly and Bobby and it didn’t do Jedward, Billary and Kimye any harm?!
Holly was working all day so after I had a shower (to wash the cycling sweat from me) and a cup of tea, Bobby and I braved the weather and hit the town.
First stop was a magnificent cup of coffee at the glorious Bond Street Coffee shop. Then a Thai Vegan pasty from The Pasty Shop and then finishing our coffee crawl with another splendid cup at The Flour Pot Kitchen on the front.
A very Pitts trip. Trawling the eating and drinking establishments whilst ignoring the plethora of shops and entertainment facilities!
We picked some pebbles from the beach in homage to the person always in our thoughts. By this time the rain was beginning to bleed into our veins and bones so we headed for home.
Bobby joined Holly at the work table and I did a few emails before facing the cycle journey home. By this time, 4.30pm, the rain had stopped and it was quite a pleasant, albeit bloody freezing, early evening. It was the quickest yet - until I got lost crossing the main road at the Marina and added 10 mins to the journey.
A cup of tea back at Hollybobs watching the Arsenal self implode on the laptop! Poor old Bobby, but at least we had a lovely evening.
Back in Brunnehilda for my secret pleasure under the covers - the latest episode of Succesion. That show just gets better and better! The latest storm is due in at 9 tomorrow morning so the plan is to get an early start - we’ll see?!?
The Brighton Caravan Club Site - Pros and Cons:
1) Lovely spaced out and clean site
2) Perfect position near the Marina and just off the cycle path
3) Super clean and well equipped toilet block
4) Very friendly check in staff
1) Although it got better, 4G was a bit dodgy on Sunday night!
2) Loads of moterhomes. Out numbered caravans by about 8 to 1!! I noticed most were large and modern - there’s been a lot of money spent over lockdown!!