Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Picking up Gog from Leeds & Wetherby- 3rd March ‘20

Back to cheese and mushroom omelette for breakfast this morning- nice! And a shower - I’m ashamed to say that’s the first one for 5 days!!! It’s a competition to decide who makes Brunnehilda smellier - me or the kippers?

A nice leisurely morning on the site before we headed out at 11.15 to meet Gog (Kim’s mum) from Leeds train station. All went to plan and we picked her up and headed for a few hours in Wetherby - sort of on the way back to Harrogate.

Of course by this time it was lunchtime and if you’re in Wetherby it’s the law that you have to go to the Wetherby Whaler - although not ideal for veggie Kim!! We had our fill and wandered around Wetherby for a wee while before setting off back to Brunnehilda.

Once back on site we walked over to Fodder farm shop for a few provisions before slobbing out with a cup of tea. Whilst drinking and looking out the window we were treated to a wonderful aerial show by about 5 or 6 pairs of Red Kites. Amazing to watch - I have never seen so many all together. The video doesn’t do it justice!

Had a call from Laura and she’s been rear ended by a stupid women, who then drove off without stopping! Thankfully Laura and boys are all OK.

After the tea and the air show, we left Gog reading the paper while Kim and I went on a long walk towards town and then back through the show ground. It was grand to see all the lambs - a definite sign of Spring!

It was pretty much pitch back when we got back to the van - 1/4 to 7.

We were all too full from Wetherby Whales to go out for tea so we stayed in Brunnehilda and had soup and toast.

Gog joined in the fun and games tonight - an episode of The Waltons, a couple of Modern Family episodes and 2 games of “up and down” whist - Rock and roll!! Modesty prevents me from saying who won (yes, both games!!) but I have to say, Gog came a very close 2nd in both. Bad night for Kim!!

Stop press: We did find some Whitby Jet! I had picked a couple of bits up expecting them to dry grey and be boring pebbles/ stones. After a couple of days drying in my pocket they are still black and they are definitely not coal so ... as far as I’m concerned, they’re Jet! The current Mrs Pitts is not so sure, but until I’m proved wrong ... I’m right!

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