Friday, February 21, 2020

Cromer and Blakeney - 21st Feb ‘20

Slightly later bed time tonight- about 9.30pm. Spiderman was superseded by Marvel Avengers and Paw Patrol DVDs. And what a night it was last night .. it was Finners’ turn to be in with us and boy what a wriggler that boy is? It’s hard to explain but imagine a 3ft 6 inch fish just plucked out of the sea thrashing about and then imagine 120 volts being passed through it every 3 seconds. If you have this in mind, times it by 2 and then you have some idea of what it’s like sleeping with Finlay!

Grandma was on breakfast duty again this morning and we had all had our fill and were raring to go by 11.15am. The boys had a long play in the playground again this morning - it really is a good one and they played really well together.

My big gripe about Caravan Club sites is their annoying habit of shutting down the wash/toilet block to clean it. This site is particularly annoying as they shut for 90 mins from 10.15 to 11.45 and, the gentleman this morning had started cleaning at 10am and was not at all happy to see me turning up at 10.05! It’s all a bit pompous - expecting everyone to be up and about by 10am for goodness sake!!!

The trip to Cromer took about 60 minutes. We had wondered about Wells Next Sea but Charlie was quite keen to see a Pier. According to my basic geographical knowledge of North Norfolk, the nearest one was Cromer - nearly 40 miles away. The bonus of going to Cromer was that it provided us with an opportunity to visit our favourite junk food establishment - The Bucket List. A bucket full of fries with a variety of homemade toppings thrown on ... what’s not to like! It didn’t disappoint and all 5 of us made ourselves feel quite pigged out!

Before that we had had a quick walk on the beach - it was very cold and blowey, but at least it was dry. After that we found our way onto the small pier and had a tour of the Lifeboat House situated at the end of the Pier.

After the chip fest we decided to get a game of mini-golf. My goodness it was cold! The wind had really got up by this time. Unlucky for me I had brought my gloves ... lucky for Charlie he hadn’t brought his ...  you can guess who had the warmest hands?!

The course was really hard so not particularly suitable for Twinnies. However we all enjoyed ourselves but were pleased to be sinking our putts on the 18th and heading for the warm car!
Not sure who won?? Charlie got a hole in one on the first hole and Kim finished with a couple of hole in ones on the last two. The Twinnies and I made up the numbers ... literally!!

We decided to go to the pretty village of Blakeney (about 10 miles away) to get coffee and cake.
The Moorings was a great choice and we all enjoyed what we had. We did drive all the other punters out though by playing a number of games that were fun for us but must have been bloody infuriating for the tables next to us?

While Kim went art shop shopping the boys and I found a hill just above the car park. They had lots of fun throwing themselves off the top and rolling down the hill. Again, another example of irresponsible grand-parenting (well to be specific grand-fathering) that will never be seen by the parents ... what happens in Blakeney stays in Blakeney!

By this time it was getting dark and we were all cold and tired. We went to Sainsbury's on the way home to buy tea and replenish the DVD library. The boys had their tea while Kim and I took down Bella - to save us a bit of time in the morning.

Charlie fell asleep early tonight ... all that sea air probably? Harry is with us tonight so hopefully we might get a better night’s sleep?!

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