Saturday, October 26, 2019

Relaxing in Sanremo and the start of journey home - 26th Oct ‘19

Another hot warm Italian Riviera day - our last in Italia.

And the final day was a relaxing one making the most of the hot sunshine. No doubt the last we’ll experience in 2019?

We needed to get out a wee bit earlier today as we really wanted to see Sanremo centre with everything open. So after a quick breakfast we set out for a walk into town. Gee the sun and the weekend make a big difference in this town... the cycle path was packed and the cycle hire places were opened for the first time. There was even folks in the beachside bars that had remained empty (we assumed closed?) all week.

We managed an hours shopping before things closed up. Up and down the narrow shopping streets and then into a very impressive outside and inside market. We bought stuff from several market stall - including some more local olive oil and Limincelo. Kim also got some stuff from a smashing kitchen shop called Excelsa - very friendly and helpful staff.

We ended up, as always, eating and drinking. Today was in a wee street side bar / cafe where they did a mean mushroom pizza - with frites of course!

A coffee half way home to keep us going in the heat - arriving back to Brunnehilda at about 3pm.
This gave us an hour by the sea - me swimming, Kim relaxing and reading on the rocks. Then the next hour to shower and pack up. It all took a little longer than we planned and we didn’t leave until gone 6.30pm.

We had decided to try and get a hundred miles or so done tonight before finding an Aire to grab some sleep. Readers of this blog won’t be surprised when I report that things don’t quite go to plan!
Firstly, the realised as soon as we left the camp we had forgotten to fill the car up with fuel- so we stopped to get some in a garage in town and then, thanks to some rather strange Italian parking, we had quite some fun getting back onto the road. Once we had got Brunnehilda up the long and winding road to the motorway we set off on the familiar route out of Italy - familiar because we had done it twice already with the airport run.

We started looking for a suitable Aire after 3 hours driving - about 10pm. We finally found one 90 minutes later - the fourth one we tried. The other 3 were so crammed with lorries (and confusing and conflicting signs) that we just ended driving in, driving around and driving straight out again.

We finally found one at Avignon so have put the stays down and gone straight to bed. We both have a rotten cold / cough now so I think it’s going to be a long night - and the clocks go back!
Kim’s cold seems to have gone to her stomach- if you know what I mean!? Far from the soothing sounds of a Sanremo busker?!

PS. Pros and cons of this Italian campsite in tomorrow’s blog.

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