Sunday, August 25, 2019

Visiting Nicky and Andy at Stiffkey - 24th Aug ‘19

The blogging discipline has dropped again! Writing this on a bright sunny Bank Holiday Sunday after a glorious hot and sunny Bank Holiday Saturday.

The longest spell at the campsite today. We didn’t leave Brunnehilda until after 1.30pm. The time was taken up with the normal hectic schedule of breakfasting, abluting and relaxing. CL sites are certainly a lot more friendly than Club Sites like this. Not that anyone is unfriendly or that we’ve made a particular effort - apart from the obligatory smile and good morning (unless it’s the afternoon!). I have noticed that there are a lot of families from Leicester / Nottingham - I’m guessing it is quite a traditional holiday place for East Midlanders?

We wanted to get a plant from the area - as we did in Devon. Kim had her eye on something called Agapanthus, which seems to be abundant in this part of the world. North Norfolk is not awash with garden centres but the 2nd one we tried was a little (actual not so little!?) gem. As well as getting the aforementioned agapanthus’ we also managed to buy a garden table - it was too good a bargain not to! Methinks Brunnehilda is going to be full to the gunnels for the trip home!? The place was called Holt Garden Centre - ironically more in Kelling than Holt. A fabulous place who also, as they all seem to, did a mean cup of tea and slice of cake.

We followed the coast road around to Nicky and Andy’s place at Stiffkey. There were some wonderful little places en-route like Cley, Salthouse and Blakeney.  Definitely worth an explore but I doubt we will have time- this time round! This part of Norfolk is very different to the “seasidy” resorts of Cromer and Sheringham. It is very pretty and we were also amazed at how hilly Norfolk can be?

Nicky and Andy’s house(s) are wonderfully old and characterful. Around every corner and up every staircase (and there are 4 of them!) there is something to “wow” at! Period features is an understatement and the bits they have completed really show what a fab place(s) they will have when all the building work is finished.
But the garden was the real showstopper - not huge but very secluded with the river Stiffkey running through at the bottom. They have made great use of the river with a summerhouse and a nice seating area to watch the otters play! Andy does some writing from the shed - no one could fail to be inspired in such a setting.

We went on a pleasant circular walk towards the sea and then back via the local pub where we managed a very welcome pint in the shade of the courtyard garden.

Back to Wagtail Cottage for a tasty home cooked meal of stuffed peppers, falafels and chicken. Plus of course Nicky’s homemade tzatziki (sorry about the spelling!). We ate in the garden so by the time we made our way hone it was very very dark (and quiet) - another benefit of life at Stiffkey?

A 40 minute journey hone and then a quick catch up on line and to bed. Cobblers lost again but hey, if you let that spoil your day you’d never get of bed from July to May!

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